The Cup

a Love Letter to the Light

The Cup
A love letter to the Light

Empty now. Come to me.

My belly is the cup I yearn for you to fill
to quench the hunger only you can satisfy.

Can you feel my heart ache?
This is my longing.

I will not be content
until the time
you rest inside my stillness
and lay your golden essence inside my veins.

Your pulse beats my heart
and breathes my breath.
I want your infinite arms to hold me
like you envelope the universes
in the nest of your heart.

Fill me,
and my emptiness will grow the wings of your song.
and the music of my soul
will serve to quench the longing in souls unfed;
hungry for their true lover.

Now is quiet.
Each exhale empties me more.
I wish to be nothing.
Hollow, so your echo wakes me from this sleep.

I know you call me,
consistently as wind.
I heard you once;
the way you whispered my name,
soft as a bee’s sip of nectar…
…a cloud merging with another.

I will not miss the moment when your breath
breathes me into you.

Now, now is quiet.
Each exhale lets me become vapor.